Do you challenge your assumptions?

26. October 2013 Uncategorized 0
On Monday I’ll be starting a new job as a Senior Software Engineer. The title can sound impressive, but in my experience, it’s more of a generic title that if you’re not a new college graduate, you’ll probably have that title. In fact, the only time in the past 6 years that I haven’t been ...

The Job Hunt

14. October 2013 Uncategorized 1
Wednesday I’m in a bit of a strange situation, for me at least. For the first time in 14 years, I’m unemployed. Splinterworks, the company I was working for, decided to close its doors.  As I wrote that day, I immediately started going down my “Oh No! List.”  That day I had a meeting with ...

Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is

10. October 2013 Uncategorized 0
I’ve written a lot on this blog about the software development career. I’ve had blogs about the 6 traits of a software developer, as well as about how every developer has 2 full time jobs. The first is your day job, the second is to stay on top of technology.  Today the time has come ...