Blackberry and the mysterious “verification error”

17. October 2010 Uncategorized 0
I’ve been working on a Blackberry project for the past few months.  I enjoy the challenge of learning a new language (J2me) and some new approaches.  Sometimes, however, I get stuck in a rut because I’m not used to the tools and language. The last week has been an example of this.  I had some ...

Communication is about the data you need, and NOT about the data that I have.

14. October 2010 Uncategorized 0
At work I’ve been tasked with consuming a new internal web service for one of our sites.  It’s been anything but simple.  However, the issues, like normal, aren’t technical.  The biggest problem really boils down to a communication issue.  And really, it’s not so much a problem of communicating between developers, but communication between the ...