Why we’re not using Knockoutjs

12. September 2013 Uncategorized 0
This past week I’ve been working on a semi-new project. It’s something I’ve worked on before. In fact, the project itself is the first thing I ever did in MVC. I never completed that version, and instead, a few years later started used it to learn Bootstrap and MongoDB. But I didn’t finish that version ...

No More Ninjas Falling from the Ceiling

08. September 2013 Uncategorized 0
Several years ago I was down in Texas for my sister’s wedding. We were in town a few days early to help with the set up and all that jazz. One of my sister’s bridesmaids was anxious, to say the least. She was coming up with all sorts of problems thatĀ could happen during the wedding ...

Golden Age of Development

03. September 2013 Uncategorized 0
A year after I graduated college I was working for a team at Caterpillar that was writing the Windows service tool for all of their equipment. It was written in MFC C++ and was enormous. I don’t remember how big it was, but it had thousands of files in multiple projects to compile down to ...