Let’s Get Functional with Elixir!
Are you intrigued about functional languages? Have you thought about checking out what’s so important about functional programming only to get scared away by the talk of lambda calculus and monads? Do you struggle to see *why* you’d use a functional language? This talk will cover a newer server-side functional language called Elixir. It’s designed by former Ruby developers so it has an emphasis on readability and developer satisfaction but still has the benefits of functional programming such as immutability. Additionally, Elixir excels in concurrency, which causes nightmares in some languages.
By the end of the talk, you’ll understand some of the core concepts of functional programming, as well as some of what makes Elixir unique. As a result, you’ll have a better understanding for the types of problems that functional programming can help you solve, and you’ll be ready to install Elixir and start writing code in a functional style.
CodeStock 2017
Nebraska.Code 2017
KCDC 2017
Singapore Elixir User’s Group 2018