14. October 2010
At work I’ve been tasked with consuming a new internal web service for one of our sites. It’s been anything but simple. However, the issues, like normal, aren’t technical. The biggest problem really boils down to a communication issue. And really, it’s not so much a problem of communicating between developers, but communication between the ...
11. September 2010
As I’ve referenced a couple times, I’m doing some side work on the Blackberry right now. In all honesty, while it’s been a good learning process, it has been close to a constant source of frustration. The frustrations I’ve experienced so far boil down to a couple things. I’m not a fan of Eclipse. I ...
05. September 2010
When I talk to people about programming, I often comment about how I prefer to write back-end code. In fact, it even came up in an interview. They had several positions open and asked if I preferred back-end or front-end. I told them back-end without even batting an eyelash. In all honesty, it was the ...
24. July 2010
I’m working on a project that involves email and implementing RFCs for IMAP etc. Normally I wouldn’t be keen to do something like this because I’d rather just grab an email library and write my functionality on top of that. Normally I’d rant and rave about someone NOT doing it this way. But for a ...
29. June 2010
I recently completed the process of looking for a new job. I’ve got a couple weeks until I start my new venture, but at least the job search process is over. As I thought about this new opportunity over the weekend, I was struck with something: software developers (and related fields) are very lucky. I’m ...
20. June 2010
I’ve been playing around with BlackBerry development. I’ve been doing various tutorials etc. One of the things they’ve got is an Email Server Simulator (ESS). This comes installed with the JDE. The idea is that this ESS will send/receive emails and hand them off to the device simulator. I ran into some problems, though. I ...
16. June 2010
For the past 4 years, .Net has been my framework of choice. Prior to that, I used Visual C++ for 6 years. There are some great things about .NET that I didn’t have with C++. But with these great techniques comes a high responsibility, and that is, to understand what it is that the framework is ...
04. June 2010
Writing software is so much more than writing code, at least if you’re on a small team. When I graduated college, I quickly realized that I was not good at hardware design. I didn’t care about tweaking transistors for that last little bit of gain, and in fact wasn’t really sure the the right way ...
22. May 2010
I’ve just started using jQuery for a website I’m working on. One tool that I have needed is the jqGrid. I’ve got several places that are helped by displaying a grid. And the basic view function of the grid was fairly straightforward. Especially after following Phil Haack’s tutorial. However, I also had a few grids ...
27. April 2010
As I’ve said before on this space, I’m a late adopter. So some of my “realizations” are probably hashed out all over the web. But I write most of this so that it burns in my memory. I’ve been working with LINQ on a new project. I had a table come back with 55 unique ...