21. March 2015
This weekend I watched a talk about TypeScript at Nebraska.Code(). The presenter seemed to have a good grasp of TypeScript and was a good presenter. Sadly, that combination doesn’t always happen. One thing I was glad about, was that he put up a picture like this: I immediately thought, “This is going to be good!” ...
11. March 2015
The process on our team is to create a feature branch off of develop, do your work and then push it up to the repo. Then when it’s all done, you create a PR and have someone from the team be the “primary reviewer.” This person’s job is to review the PR, make sure that ...
20. December 2014
I try to not mix my 2 blogs. I have this one, that focuses on the professional side of software development, and I have another blog which follows my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu addiction. The reason is, most of the people interested in software don’t practice BJJ, and most people that practice BJJ don’t care about software. ...
06. December 2014
For me, this past week was filled with meetings. I had meetings with the client, I had a demo, I had sprint planning, I had a meeting or two on our project plan. I even had a couple meetings with the purpose of helping the people who will be meeting with the client be prepared. ...
29. November 2014
For starters, a friend reached out to me on Facebook and asked for my thoughts on optimizing code, especially with the cost of hardware being so cheap. I don’t know that this will answer his question, but it’s my thoughts on the subject. Early Optimization Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at ...
24. November 2014
In his book The Power of Habit, author Charles Duhig recounts a series of studies that were done around people’s willpower. Researchers were trying to find out if willpower is like a muscle, something that can be trained. In one experiment, participants were told they were doing research on taste profiles. They were brought into a ...
17. November 2014
This past weekend, I spoke at St. Louis Days of .NET. It was my second time attending and also my second time speaking there. It’s a great conference. I enjoy the location and the people. The drive isn’t always fun, but this year my wife & kids came along, so that was nice. As we ...
20. July 2014
I’ve got a little side project that I’m working on. I have an app at track.couchjitsu.com. It tracks how much time I spend training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It tracks when I go to conditioning, technique, sparring or judo. It actually will track anything. I wrote it about a year ago. It’s fairly simple in its ...
18. July 2014
We’re 3 weeks in to a new project at work, or in sprint time, we’re half-way through our second sprint. We’ve had a rough go, to get started. Probably not anything worse than most projects. But since this is the first time on a project in this role, I really wanted to get out of ...
16. July 2014
Yesterday I was sitting in a meeting. I pulled my phone out to see what time it was, and I saw I had an email. As I pulled down the notification drawer, I noticed it was from Spencer, my contact at Pluralsight. As I opened the email, I wasn’t nervous. I knew I had done ...